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Vitkus Martial Arts

Vitkus Martial Arts is founded on indigenous fighting systems of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Philippines. Prioritizing application and functional over esoteric, VMA is simply the progression of our continued martial studies and training into our learning to teach and share. Training is conducted in a classic "backyard academy" style; meaning informal, no uniforms, no hierarchy, no egos, and a white belt mind set.
Guro Howard Vitkus
Guro Edelina Espiritu

Filipino Martial Arts
Inosanto/Lacosta FMA
Filipino Martial Arts
Taboada Balintawak Arnis Cuentada
Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do
Maphilindo Silat
Dog Brother Martial Arts
PG Crafty Dog Marc Denny
Dog Brother Tribe
PG Crafty Dog Marc Denny
San Soo Kung Fu
M Jerry Peterson

Gratefully crediting PG Marc Denny & Dog Brothers for photos and training
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